








1. 按摩:通过专业的手法,帮助消费者缓解疲劳、改善睡眠、促进血液循环等。

2. 水疗:利用水的浮力、压力、温度等特性,达到放松身心、排毒养颜的效果。

3. 美容:提供专业的美容护理,如面部护理、身体护理、手足护理等。

4. 美体:通过专业的美体课程,帮助消费者塑造完美身材。

5. 茶艺表演:定期举办茶艺表演活动,让消费者在品茶的同时,感受茶文化的魅力。



























1. 针灸治疗:针对颈椎病、肩周炎、腰椎间盘突出症、关节炎等疾病进行针灸治疗。

2. 艾灸治疗:利用艾条、艾柱等艾灸材料,对穴位进行温热刺激,达到温经散寒、活血化瘀、祛湿止痛的效果。

3. 火罐疗法:通过拔罐、走罐等手法,改善局部血液循环,缓解疼痛。

4. 电针疗法:结合传统针灸和现代电疗技术,提高疗效。



1. 颈肩腰腿痛治疗:针对颈椎病、肩周炎、腰椎间盘突出症、膝关节疼痛等疾病进行推拿治疗。

2. 肌肉劳损治疗:运用手法松解肌肉,缓解肌肉紧张、疼痛。

3. 儿童推拿:针对小儿常见疾病,如感冒、发热、消化不良、夜啼等,进行推拿治疗。

4. 产后康复:针对产后妇女进行产后康复训练,帮助恢复体型和身体健康。



1. 脑卒中康复:针对脑卒中患者进行康复训练,包括肢体功能训练、言语功能训练等。

2. 骨折术后康复:针对骨折术后患者进行康复训练,帮助患者恢复关节活动度。

3. 骨关节疾病康复:针对骨关节炎、骨质疏松等疾病进行康复治疗。

4. 呼吸系统疾病康复:针对慢性阻塞性肺疾病、哮喘等疾病进行康复治疗。


1. 中医科:运用中药、针灸、推拿等传统中医治疗方法,治疗各种疾病。

2. 美容科:采用中医美容技术,如面部刮痧、穴位按摩等,达到美容养颜的效果。

3. 儿科:运用中医儿科治疗方法,治疗小儿常见疾病。
4. 妇科:运用中医妇科治疗方法,治疗妇科疾病。







1. 推拿师等级:初级、中级、高级、技师、高级技师等不同等级的推拿师,其收费标准也会有所不同。一般来说,等级越高,收费标准越高。

2. 推拿项目:广州推拿师提供的服务项目丰富多样,如推拿、按摩、拔罐、刮痧等。不同项目的收费标准也会有所差异。

3. 推拿时长:推拿时长也是影响收费标准的重要因素。一般来说,时长越长,收费越高。
4. 机构性质:公立医院、私立医院、养生馆、按摩店等不同性质的机构,其收费标准也会有所不同。


1. 初级推拿师:初级推拿师的收费标准一般在100-200元/次,时长约为30-60分钟。

2. 中级推拿师:中级推拿师的收费标准一般在200-400元/次,时长约为60-90分钟。

3. 高级推拿师:高级推拿师的收费标准一般在400-800元/次,时长约为90分钟以上。

4. 技师、高级技师:技师、高级技师的收费标准一般在800-1500元/次,时长可达2小时以上。

5. 推拿项目:如拔罐、刮痧等单项收费一般在50-200元/次,按摩、推拿等综合收费一般在100-500元/次。

6. 机构性质:公立医院的推拿收费标准一般在100-300元/次,私立医院、养生馆、按摩店等机构的收费标准一般在100-800元/次。


1. 地域因素:广州作为一线城市,生活成本较高,因此推拿师的收费标准相对较高。

2. 机构因素:不同性质的机构,如公立医院、私立医院、养生馆、按摩店等,其收费标准也会有所不同。

3. 推拿师个人因素:推拿师的等级、经验、口碑等都会影响其收费标准。









1. 放松身心,缓解压力


2. 活血化瘀,增强免疫力


3. 消脂塑形,美容养颜


4. 提高睡眠质量


5. 休闲娱乐,增进友谊



1. 广州天河区SPA桑拿休闲会馆


2. 晚欲雪男士水疗SPA会所






Really lend him a helping hand. The old man in Jiangnan actually has Zhou Wei alone.

But Pan Yongjian is not disappointed.
Because he believes that there are still ideas in everyone’s hearts that are scared by Su Yonglin. Once Su Yonglin’s position is weak, everyone’s thoughts will immediately come to life and countless "radicals" will emerge immediately.
The eye is that he wants to be the vanguard who dares to charge and hook up the courage in everyone’s hearts.
"There must be a first person in everything. If no one wants to be the first person, then I will be the first person! I will formally pay my respects to you, Madam Li Huang! Are you willing to go with me? "
Chapter 1517 Before opening, there is no turning back arrow.
Pan Yongjian put his eyes on Zhou Weishen.
He knew that it was less important for others to tie together than for Zhou Wei to personally support him.
Others also put their eyes on Zhou Weishen.
They also know that they are not as heavy as Zhou Wei when tied together.
Zhou Wei was a little depressed by the big guy’s eyes and let out a long sigh.
"LaoPan, do you think we can really do this?"
Zhou Wei’s willingness to come out and support Pan Yongjian was mainly due to his dissatisfaction with the status quo, but more was stimulated by the future described by Pan Yongjian.
Once Su Yonglin established the emperor, not to mention that they could really achieve it, there were countless political benefits from Long Chen, and the most important thing was that the whole nature changed.
In this way, they will definitely get the highest status except Tian Jue, Kong Maojie and Zhou Yiliu.
The whole national political building needs to be reconstructed once and the force needs to be redistributed once.
And even if this is a strategic misjudgment, it doesn’t matter. Neither the Dafa law nor the Fuxing society rules can punish such things.
Even if they do Su Yonglin, there’s nothing they can do. They are bound to leave without danger. Just keep a low profile and do things after the big deal.
There is nothing too dangerous, but the political interests are too great to be terrible. Are there many opportunities?
Zhou Wei was persuaded in this way
But at the last moment, he still felt worried. He still thought of the people who were exiled to Sakhalin Island before.
"I always feel that the speech before the chairman should not be a decoration. He should really want to be the final emperor, so we are now …"
"I said that people will become the same person, and their thoughts will be completely different a day ago and now. What’s strange about that?"
"But if we have a watch, then …"
"No, there will never be us!"
Pan Yongjian primly said, "What positions will tell those news through Tian Xuan’s mouth? Obviously Tian Xuan already knows everything. Maybe he is helping positions to find help objects and prepare to make a fortune."
We are not as good as Tian Jue and we have always been at odds with each other. He can’t find us and will find someone to admire himself. In this way, his position will be as stable as Mount Tai, just like the prime minister! "
"This …"
Zhou Wei wanted to think, and suddenly he felt that Pan Yongjian made sense.
They ignore Tian Jue, a guy who has never made a big move, but he is the real core person who started this incident. He said something that Su Yonglin told him and then said nothing.
He’s quiet. It’s just weird
Besides him, the other six members of the seven-member decision-making group are also very quiet and quiet. At most, they are stopped from discussing this matter when they hear the Ministry discussing it.
This is not normal.
Shouldn’t they react?
Kong Maojie and Zhou Chu talk about revolution and continuing revolution every day, and I don’t know how many people they have dealt with. Now they are silent in the face of Su Yonglin’s "swing"
What does this say?
They are not staunch revolutionary supporters at all.
They are being wooed and bought!
They are hesitating to change their flags and become staunch defenders of imperial politics!
It’s very possible!
Zhou Wei thought for a long time and guessed the final direction of this matter, but he gradually had some ideas about expressing things with Pan Yongjian.
"You can think it over. If this watch is correct, we will have no way out. Even if there is no law to punish us, it will not be better than our hard-won position in the future."
"How are you today?"
Pan Yongjian disdained, "The whole official department is no different from the organization department’s hidden room. If we don’t want to find some way out for ourselves, are we going to eat and die like a walking corpse?" I don’t want to "
Zhou Wei nodded and immediately felt something was wrong.
The official department is indeed a rubber stamp, but his propaganda department is not a rubber stamp. There are a lot of things to do. It looks like a group of mouthpieces, but every time Su Yonglin wants to do something, their mouthpieces must be loud and clear.
This is a very important department
Wang Kangshi, the head of the propaganda department, was also named when the seven-member decision-making team was to be formed this time.
Later, Wang Kangshi himself said that he was not qualified enough to show his attitude support and that he was good. Kong Maojie withdrew from the shortlist of seven people.
The propaganda department has something to do, and he has something to do, and his position will always be relatively stable. Although Wang Kangshi is not as qualified as others, stepping on his head makes him unhappy.
There seems to be nothing else that makes him particularly dissatisfied.
So …
Do you need to watch with Pan Yongjian?
Zhou Wei hasn’t made up his mind yet, but Pan Yongjian has put the written watch in front of him and signed it in front of him.
Then Li Le signed the second name first, and then the third and fourth.
In the end, Zhou Wei still didn’t stretch his hand and signed his name with half determination and half hesitation.
Then the play list was sent to Su Yonglin, and every word came into Su Yonglin’s eyes, and the last names also fell into Su Yonglin’s eyes.
After reading it, Su Yonglin closed her eyes and combined the performance.

Lin Luo looked at him and was busy controlling the flying of the meteorite dragon stone to the side of the three beasts’ souls, and hit dozens of spiritual power meteorite dragon stone brilliance. The cold dumpling and white-winged tiger’s face in the three beasts’ souls were slightly comfortable, which made them very comfortable, but the spider’s soul was different. Its whole body struggled wildly and seemed to resist the attraction brought by the meteorite dragon stone, but the resistance became smaller and smaller because of the cold dumpling and white-winged tiger. Finally, a scream was sucked in by the meteorite dragon stone.

The meteorite dragon stone fell to Guanghua and disappeared into an ordinary stone. Lin Luo picked up the meteorite dragon stone and saw that the white-winged tiger and the cold dumpling side appeared again. It was the black spider’s mother spider soul that could see its legs shaking from time to time.
Lin Luo put away his bow and meteorite dragon stone, and his face was slightly pale. It really took a lot of spiritual power for him to shoot arrows and control meteorite dragon stone continuously.
After a long pause, two people have the strength to sit up.
Lingbao humanity "thanks for the small"
At this moment, Lingbao people seem to find that they don’t hate this simple and honest appearance, but their evil heart is small. After all, they have cultivated a special friendship by fighting side by side.
Lin Luo looked at Lingbao people and laughed. "I’m really you, stinky old man, but I still have a successor. I can’t see through you more and more!"
Lin Luo said so, Lingbao people blew on Hu. "You also said that I am ok. You have a meteorite dragon stone. You are a little palace master in Xingyue Palace!" Also with me. "
Talking Lingbao people quickly put away their fragments and white wooden spears. It seems that they are afraid that they will be robbed if they are late.
Lin Luo saw the fragments move in the heart "smelly road where did you get the fragments? Why do you have fairy pieces and you didn’t come out when I was fighting? "
Lingbao people took a surprised look at Lin Luo’s eyebrows and stirred up a different light in their eyes. "Yes, I can’t believe that you know that this is a fairy fragment!" Lingbao people didn’t hear what Bai Feng told Lin Luo. Lin Luo saw the mystery of the fragments and immediately thought highly of Lin Luo.
"Before me, the reason is that this fragment will consume my great spiritual power once. You see, I just got a Dan Tanaka’s spiritual power, which is almost pumped. It is said that even monks in the Nie period dare not make fairy wares frequently. Fortunately, this fragment is not powerful, otherwise their spiritual power will have to be drained."
Lin Luo suddenly understood the reason why Lingbao people don’t have this thing. Because there are two people here, they have no afterforce and they are dead. At the same time, Lin Luo is full of shock to this fairy. It’s just a weapon that can actually drain the senior monk, which shows how bad the fairy is.
"Then where did you get it?" Lin Luo continued
Lingbao people glanced at Lin Luo and seemed to be mocking. "Don’t tell you this!"
Lin Luo laughed quickly. "Just curious. Don’t you want to know where I got the meteorite?"
Lingbao’s heart moved a few times and then shook his head with a wry smile. "Is it interesting for us two foxes, one old and one young, to talk about this?" Than lying? "
Lingbao people are telling the truth, and they are also making things up. It is better not to ask.
"Brother Wu, shall we continue to go in?" Bai Feng timid words come over.
Lin Luo looked at Bai Feng, although her face was pale, but there was no fright in her pupils. She looked like she had seen the world. Lin Luo smiled gently at her and then asked Lingbao humanity, "What do you say, old Taoist!"
Lingbao people’s expression is very painful, and they have a kind of desire to stop and can’t struggle. "I have never heard of the place where we are going, and I don’t know if it is the end. If it is, it will be futile for us to quit at this time. Besides, we may not find an exit when we quit. I think we should continue to go inside!"
Lin Luo smiled. "Just what I want. How about Brother Bai?"
Bai Feng looked at Lin Luodao. "It’s okay to ask Wu Dage to go anywhere with me!"
Lin Luo couldn’t help but jump at the sight of Bai Feng’s affectionate eyes. Is this girl already deeply affectionate to herself?
Bai Feng’s suspicion is that a tube of chicken blood hits Lin Luo and Lin Luo nods, "Well, let’s move on."
The three men are closer together this time, but if they want to attack each other at this time, they need a punch, but none of them have this idea, because the three men really understand the importance of teammates
After another trip to incense, suddenly the fog in front was thin, and then suddenly a hill appeared in front of it. This sinkhole suddenly appeared. The hill was really weird. The hill was not tight. There were no weeds in the size of three or five rooms. It was desolate and the weirdest thing was a thatched cottage on the hill, which was different from ordinary outside thatched cottages, but this thatched cottage was coiled with colorful gas.
There is such an idea in the hearts of three people, and there are treasures of heaven and earth to have such strange clouds. This is the so-called aura.
Suddenly, the three people separated, and the two camps were three feet apart. This is the safest range. Lingbao people looked at Lin Luosheng with a nervous face, fearing that Lin Luo would suddenly attack. Just now, three people shared weal and woe, and those who can share weal and woe may not be able to rise a subtle atmosphere with the three people.
"spar!" Lin Luo surprised.
Lingbao people and Bai Feng followed Lin Luo’s sight and were shocked on the spot.
The SPAR Department is SPAR. There are hundreds of thousands of SPAR blocks scattered at the foot of the mountain, each of which is two fingers wide and four fingers long. The preciousness of SPAR at the foot of the mountain is almost similar to that of polar lingshi, but it is still not as precious as polar lingshi. The main reason is that SPAR is rare and rare, especially when this operator lacks age. It is rare to see these thousands of SPAR, but it is a very rich mineral deposit!
This is the best material for making talisman!
Lin Luo’s heart is pounding. Who the fuck is playing with me? Don’t you know that I really need spar? How tempting I am!
What’s the problem? What’s the problem?
Lingbao people cough and dry their throats. "Since this place was discovered by the three of us, it will be distributed by the three of us. If these SPAR are divided into three parts, there are probably more than 1,000 SPAR released to the outside world, which will cause Zhongzhou to shake the wealth. None of us can control it alone!"
Lin Luo laughed. "Good, so it’s best. Brother Bai, how many spar do you check?"
Among the three people, only Bai Feng has the lowest strength, and it is the most appropriate for Lin Luoke to compete with Lingbao people.
Bai Feng nodded. Although she was used to seeing the world, she was shocked by the general spar in this hill. She moved to the foot of the mountain and quickly received it. She was quickly divided into three piles.
When Bai Feng received SPAR, Lin Luo and Lingbao people observed the thatched cottage on the hill at the same time. Both eyes revealed that the attraction of the refined awned cottage was obviously greater than that of SPAR.
"This is three piles with an average of more than 400 spar in each pile. You two choose first!" Bai Feng interrupted two people’s imagination.
Lingbao people casually collected a pile, and the other two piles also entered Lin Luo and Bai Feng bags.
After the spar was divided, the three men were silent at the same time. Although they looked at each other, the corner of their eyes never left the hut on the hill.
The Lingbao people first broke the silence and said, "You must have guessed that there is Lingbao in this hut and it is likely to be a fairy. Even the lowest fairy is a peerless weapon for us!"
As soon as Lingbao people finished talking, Lin Luo’s heart was pounding wildly. Sure enough, there was a fairy in this straw house. He had just been aware that there was a slight familiar smell in the straw house, which was similar to the fragments of the former Lingbao people. Now it seems that it must be a fairy! There are also fairy devices to give people a kind of soul shock!
Taking a deep breath, Lin Luo forced himself to calm down and said, "Well, yes, there won’t be too many Lingbao pieces in the straw house!"
However, although this sinkhole is mysterious, it is mortal after all. It is not necessary to count on too many fairy wares, but the question arises. How should we divide the stolen goods?
Chapter 1 Defenders of the Array
A moment later, Lingbao said, "You and I will enter this hut together. If there are two treasures, you and I will share three, and if there is one thing, we will do our own thing!"
For the time being, all three people haven’t thought that even if they get the baby, they can escape from this sinkhole.
Bai Feng has no objection that he is the one who has the least output and can get benefits, but it is also called that he can’t get them.
Lin Luo looked at the thatched cottage with colorful clouds. It was good luck to get more than 400 spar. If you can get the fairy, it will be worthwhile to suffer these days. So Lin Luo nodded and said, "All right, please!"
The two men walked side by side to the thatched cottage. Although they looked like teammates, they were wary of each other’s aura.
In a few steps, the two men approached the straw hut. The closer they got to the straw hut, the more they could feel the oncoming breath that shocked their souls. It was a breath that was 100 times stronger than the fragments of Lingbao Renxianqi. This shows how powerful this straw hut fairy is. Lingbao’s face muscles are shaking rapidly. If Lin Luo doesn’t know the reason or epilepsy!
When two people are close to the thatched cottage for ten feet, the wind in Chai Fei is extraordinarily strange. Lin Luo and Lingbao Road looked at each other with a look of shock in their eyes.
Lingbao’s old throat rolled a few times and calmed down. "Who’s the XianShi inside, please? I’m lost. Please forgive me for disturbing the immortal master here! "
Lin Luo’s face is also full of respect, and both of them want to know who it is. It’s not really a fairy, otherwise how can there be a fairy smell?
But what puzzled both of them was that there was no movement in the hut, and it was as silent as death, but it became more and more strange.
Lin Luo bravely took two steps forward. Lingbao Road took a look at Lin Luo’s movement and quickly took two steps forward. He was afraid that Lin Luo would take the lead in getting the fairy.
Lin Luo didn’t good the spirit caught a glimpse of the old road, and then carefully looked at the straw house. Everything was so close to the straw house. Lin Luo’s eyes flashed this straw house.
Jinling grass!
It is woven from Jinling grass, but curious grass can not only cure all diseases, but also prolong life. After drying, the fragrant aroma can also make people feel refreshed for thousands of years, and it is rare for some alchemists to take this Jinling grass as an alchemist.
Big hand! Lin Luo sighed again and again. Who is such a big hand?
The answer is one step away from the two of them, but they hesitate.
Chai Fei’s life and death are unpredictable. Is it a step forward or a step back?

"Measuring the Buddha" three people together don’t talk.

"Come on, let’s make a clean break today. After two wins in three games, go back to each family and find each mother." After that, Yu Duxiu slowly rose and then suddenly jumped out of his right hand and turned his paws to pay for Niulaifu.
"Hum" for a moment, Niu Laifu’s three-person transformation is opposite, leaving the back to Yu Duxiu, who is not interested in catching Niu Laifu who is about to break the body, as if unaware of the crisis.
"Hua" A number of copper coins among one or three people are flying and dancing in succession. The surrounding secrets are actually scattered in an instant. All the days come with additional copper coins.
Three-person method tactic transformation Jade Duxiu’s grasp didn’t make any achievements for a moment, and a creepy feeling landed at the head.
"Fate grafted heaven and man with five failures", three people were high-minded, three mouths of Jingxue spouted out several copper coins and danced in vain to form a jade show.
"Mom, these three old guys want to steal the day to graft their lives on my head. It’s really cruel for me to spend the five failures of heaven and man for them. I haven’t heard of anyone who can spend the five failures since ancient times. If it’s really called for them to succeed, wouldn’t it be necessary to rob this again?" Jade Duxiu’s eyes flashed with dark lotus flowers in the sky and the earth, and a lot of robbery came towards Jade Duxiu’s forehead lotus flowers, and a curtain of light fell to protect Jade Duxiu.
Seeing that the statue made up of copper coins is becoming more and more complete, Jade Duxiu dare not delay. If the magic is really successful, Jade Duxiu has no place to cry.
Jade Duxiu once again grabbed the NiuLaiFu five people in the whole body twisted again far away.
"Want to run" Jade Duxiu’s mouth gave me a ferocious attack and went to see the three of them once again fleeing Jade Duxiu’s whole body with great robbery. "Friends, please stay."
At this moment, the instantaneous solidification time seems to be frozen, and the pause button is pressed for a moment, and a lot of robbery is coming to Jade Duxiu crazily. Jade Duxiu’s whole body is full of robbery, as if the water is rolling up waves and disasters, and the chains are suddenly drilled out of the virtual space and locked towards the Niulaifu three people.
Niu Laifu, three people, perfected the secret way. At that moment, the big robbery chain came, and he actually sensed something bad. He felt that something bad seemed to happen when Yuan Shen beat.
The statue of "Hua La" copper coins melted and merged with the naked eye, and a statue exactly like Jade Duxiu gradually formed.
I don’t know, the sooner this statue is formed, the more intense the anxiety in several people’s hearts becomes.
"Click"-the sound of metal fracture is insignificant, but it is still shocking to hear Niu Laifu’s three ears. Seeing the copper coins melt at a speed visible to the naked eye, several breaths melt from the top of the head to the chest. The statue is as lifelike as Jade Duxiu, but it suddenly changes at this time.
Chapter 325 Xue Ju Bad Jade Duxiu Yin Cold
"Click" one copper coin actually broke into two pieces, and then it seemed like a chain reaction, and one copper coin was broken or broken.
"How is it possible?" NiuLaiFu suddenly spit out one mouthful blood.
"Fate itself" has another old man with a pale face and lost more than half of his vitality.
"Poof!" The third old man’s mouth was full of blood.
Jade Duxiu’s whole body is in a frenzy of disaster and robbery. Looking at Niu Laifu’s three corners of the mouth, there is a new smile. "Ha, ha, ha, I want to plot against Xiao Ye. It’s wishful thinking that I want Dao Ye to give you the top pot."
Face shows pride, but Jade Duxiu’s heart is dark, but a drop of cold injury seeps out spontaneously from her temples. Fortunately, she has the supernatural power of fate. "Friends, please stay." Otherwise, she will be robbed for these old guys today and become a scapegoat for these old guys. It’s too easy for Taoism to involve fate, and Taoism is fantastic enough.
Jade Duxiu’s whole body is full of disaster and robbery, but after more than a dozen breaths, the two lotus flowers actually slowly bloom three.
It’s a surprise that Jade Duxiu is slightly stunned and spends three flowers. Jade Duxiu is stronger in controlling the great robbery of heaven and earth.
Look up to see the three monks in TaiYi Dao, but see that at this time, the three old men are constantly bursting out with decadent gas, and several copper coins are attached to the orifices of several people.
"Town" three people in order to temporarily curb the fate of itself, seeing Jade Duxiu raise her hand to attack it, but seeing Niu Laifu spit out a mouthful of blood, "We give up."
Jade Duxiu’s palm stopped and the murder slowly dispersed. At this time, if you want to eradicate these three guys, it is estimated that Jade Duxiu will spend too much effort, but these three old guys can’t die now.
Jade Duxiu decided to make a bet. If these three old guys were tried to death, what should I do without these three old guys holding each other back?
"Hum can kill you for the first time and kill you for the second time" Jade Duxiu heart andao
Seeing Jade Duxiu’s murder, the three old men breathed a sigh of relief and slowly converged their breath against fate.
I have to say that it’s only a blink of an eye for Yi Dao to play life arithmetic to the extreme and reverse destiny.
When a wick is scented, the past three people’s copper coins are slowly falling off and being put away. Niu Laifu took a deep look at Yu Duxiu. "This time, we are brothers."
Say that finish after three people turned and flew back to camp.
Jade Duxiu took a deep breath and went back to the front to look at the other camp. "Which Taoist friend wants me to do this second game?"
"Being original, learning a lesson, but seeing a bridle flying out of the other camp, this big fellow is sloppy and has a wine gourd across his waist."
Jade Duxiu looked at the friar when he was about to speak, but suddenly a figure flew out after himself and made a sudden snatch at the big fellow. "Hum, be wonderful and show your hand. I’ll call you a brilliant idea."
The big fellow raised his waist gourd to fight in an instant.
Who’s going to spoil it?
A closer look was Xue Ju this fellow.
Yu Duxiu was puzzled. "How did Xue Ju come out?"
I turned my head and looked towards the wall, only to see that Hongyuan Liang Yuan and others were all confused and didn’t know what had happened.
"Xue Ju, how dare you not listen to the seat method? Who allows you to play without authorization?" Hongyuan’s return to absolute being is better than a game. If Yu Duxiu wins this game, there are still so many things. Even if the wind and wild mountains are held, I didn’t expect Xue Ju to run out to spoil the situation at this critical moment.
Jade Duxiu’s eyes flashed with black and white light, and several thoughts flashed in his heart. He looked at the distant camp and jumped to the wall. He looked sullenly at Hongyuan. "What’s the matter?"
"I don’t know if we won this game, but I didn’t expect this fellow to suddenly run out and we didn’t react." Hongyuan was also very wronged with a misty face.
Jade Duxiu sleeve a jilt to look at the city each other playing hot Xue Ju sullen Xue Ju this guy weaker than weaker jade Duxiu existing an impulse to split to death.
"Brother Miao Xiu’s overwhelming war mana will surely consume a lot of money. Teacher younger brother will take a trip for you. Brother, although you can reply to mana," Xue Ju took the opportunity to look back at the wall and said.
Jade Duxiu’s eyes sparkled with cold light, but he didn’t say what a cold hum was. Although he consumed a lot of mana, a monk like a sloppy man could make the other side out of it with three moves.
Jade Duxiu didn’t say much about closing your eyes and restoring mana. Heart andao "Xue Ju this fellow is a little abnormal. From Xue Jia to Xue Ju …"
Jade Duxiu suddenly moved his mouth and said, "You wait for the fatwa to closely monitor the Xue family."
"Teacher’s nephew …" Hongyuan was puzzled.
Jade Duxiu coldly said, "Just do it."
Hongyuan shut up. Although his seniority is higher than that of Jade Duxiu, his magical skills are not as good as that of Jade Duxiu. Half of them can shut up and obey Jade Duxiu’s law to teach them.

Every time he releases his will, he has a thirst for blood!

The feeling of drawing strength is so comfortable that people can unconsciously sink step by step!
Realizing this, Su Mo never released the Refined The Hunger Classic again.
Even if it is true that his life hangs by a thread several times, he has not been released.
Su Mo had a premonition that when he became dependent on The Refined The Hunger Classic, it might be beyond redemption!
This sense of dependence must be stifled!
The round sad old monk shook his head slightly and sighed, "I didn’t expect that the magic power he created after tens of thousands of years’ fall still had such a great influence on future generations."
Su Mo’s mind can’t help but recall his demon Ji, and all the demons went deep underground to see the sarcophagus floating in a pool of blood.
Recall the skeleton that crawled out of the sarcophagus!
"The blood demon Dao Jun may not be dead yet."
Sumo looked dignified and said, "Or he has come back from the dead!"
Su Mo told the story of what he saw in the deep underground and his own speculation.
"I’ve heard of you, but the first world war was more than forty thousand years ago. How could you live so long? With that Wang Nianzhu? " The sad old monk frowned slightly.
"You guess there are many ways to explain the place."
Red hair ghost also said, "For example, the sarcophagus will be wrapped in many chains? Since you can leave so many arrangements and not kill him? "
Sue ink shook her head.
He can’t explain these doubts.
Chapter one thousand and seventy Step into the Yang God!
Although this conversation to Sue ink heart still has many questions.
But it also solved some puzzles.
The identity of the woman in the ruins
There are still thousands of years to go into the valley of the buried dragon to find out who killed the monk!
This great Buddhist means is really terrible.
Not only can you deceive the old monk Yuan Sad and the red-haired ghost, but they can kill people quietly at the bottom of their eyelids!
Of course, there is still some joy in Su Mo’s heart that he knows a little bit about butterflies and moons.
The butterfly and the moon buried the dragon at the bottom of the valley for a short time, but what they did had a great influence on all three of them!
There is no need to say more about the influence on Su Mo.
If there is no butterfly moon, it is unknown whether the old monk and the red-haired ghost can escape from the Dagan Buddhist calculation!
They will also remain in the dark.
The appearance of Dagan Buddhist made them realize that they were all being manipulated in this catastrophe.
Butterfly Moon’s hand is equal to freeing two people at the same time.
It was butterfly moon who killed Dagan Buddhist in the town before he was rescued by the sad old monk and came to the bottom of the buried dragon valley.
Otherwise, I’m afraid he’ll have been killed by Dagan Buddhist quietly before the round sad old monk noticed!
"What are you going to do when you pick it up?"
Red hair ghost asked.
Su Mo replied, "Practice at the bottom of the valley for a while."
Red hair ghost nodded and said, "Well, it’s all right. Don’t worry that the emperor’s half-ancestor was hit hard by me. It’s already good that he can live. There’s no way to get back at you."
"These clansmen may not dare to do anything to you, but you should still be careful," said the sad old monk.
"got it"
Sue ink nodded his head.
From this day on, he buried the dragon valley and devoted himself to practice, and realized that many younger brothers with titles have repeatedly fought hard to practice the book "Tai Xu Lian Shen Pian", and the chanting of Buddhist scriptures has been accumulating.
At the same time, the dragon skeleton valley
A whole month passed, and the red-haired Sumo in the cave of Taikoo Shenquan woke up leisurely.
He has never had such a stable, comfortable and relaxed sleep since he practiced!
He is really too tired.

Hong Rengan also learned from foreigners that Zhu Jinglun had an arsenal to make cannons and even warships, and suffered from breaking the Xiang camp and being blocked by Xiang, so Hong Rengan, the Yangtze River, planned to buy cannons and warships.

This is ironic that the United States is the largest arms importer in the world at this time, but their businessmen are the largest arms smugglers in the sea.
To be honest, I’m still very greedy for the Taiping rebels’ search for times as much as the foreigners’ search for Zhu Jinglun.
The Taiping Heavenly Kingdom was blocked and arms could be obtained through smuggling, but the blockade of the Qing army was not strict. Even their troops were involved in smuggling, not only the flag, green camp, but also the king’s egg army, and even the Xiang army was involved. Of course, Zuo Zongtang himself did not care about these things, but handled them through a person who didn’t know or pretended not to know because he needed money, and that person was called Hu Xueyan.
In order to lure smugglers into the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom weapons, they adopted a high-priced acquisition method, or Yi Liangyue, governor of the two rivers in Nai, said that "15 yuan or 20 yuan can buy short guns in the sea, and the Taiping Army has to pay the smugglers 100 yuan". "Those who have always sold foreign gunpowder for three yuan a barrel have increased by 256 yuan today." Ten years have passed since the governor of the two rivers reported, but this smuggling trade is still banned in the sea.
According to the British Consul Aliguo in Shanghai, it was estimated that at that time, countries in China "behaved themselves, and foreign businessmen hated the harassment, which led to the unsalable goods of only twelve;" Those who want to evade taxes and help gunpowder and grain to make profits are actually ten. "
Obviously, arms smuggling has formed an industrial chain in the sea, and there are a large number of vested interests. They certainly don’t want the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom to end the war with the Qing army prematurely, so Qichang Foreign Firm is willing to give information to Hong Rengan and Guangdong, and even they are interested in the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom representatives coming to Guangdong by Qichang Foreign Firm.
"The sea situation is more complicated than I thought."
Zhu Jinglun sighed after hearing Wu Chongyao finishing the sea intelligence
A big job for Foreign Minister Wu Chongyao is actually to collect information from all over the world. He used to be a businessman. He worked with great convenience. No matter foreigners or comprador in Shanghai, they are inseparable from the past thirteen lines. Foreigners don’t say that those pervasive comprador came from Guangdong in the earliest, but they used to collect tea and other things from all over the world and sell them to foreigners in the monopoly. It was their main business in the past. Zhan Tianyou’s father was such a middleman and was very rich. He could take out tens of thousands in a disaster relief. Two silvers came, but with the end of the Opium War, the Zhan family went bankrupt, otherwise Zhan Tianyou could not have ventured to be a child. At that time, it seemed to people that it was no different from selling children.
Therefore, Wu Chongyao got information from all over the country through these comprador, mainly from various ports, but there are also some other aspects.
Collecting information is naturally rebellion or self-reliance to prepare.
The more I know about Zhu Jinglun, the more cautious I am about my career. Xiang is much worse than he thought.
The marine gun team is definitely not a Ukrainian union. Although the military discipline is not so good, the combat effectiveness is not underestimated. The main officers are foreigners’ leaders and Americans. Wall is definitely not a simple adventurer. He has military experience.
American liberal arts and military students who once enrolled in the school did not graduate, but they also had some theoretical knowledge. After that, they joined the US military, fought against Mexicans, and later joined the French army to participate in the Crimean War against Russia. It can be said that he still has quite rich military experience, especially against the Russian army. It was definitely a big war and a bitter battle.
All the officers he recruited were foreigners, mainly veterans with military experience. This kind of people are mostly in Europe where the war is going on, so his army officers are also more professional.
Weapons and equipment are close to Haigen, and there is no shortage of western-style training for foreign guns and cannons. If the army says it has no fighting capacity, it is lying.
However, in this way, the army did not dominate the Li Xiucheng Taiping Army, but failed many times. Apart from the strength gap, it is said that the Taiping Army has a fighting force against the Western-style army, at least with a strong fighting will.
However, in this way, the Taiping rebels just took Zeng Guofan and Xiang Jun. There was no way for Li Xiucheng to organize thirteen kings and more than 100,000 troops to rescue Tianjing this year, just fighting Ceng Guoquan’s defense.
Zeng Guofan said that Xiang was "fighting hard and staying in the village", but Zhu Jinglun thought that Xiang was "fighting hard and staying in the village". Farmers with strong character and strong will from Xiangxi were trained by Zeng Guofan to be able to resist one by one. Robots are extremely strong in sex and can fight to the last person, and they are also equipped with many modern weapons. This army must not be underestimated.
"Then you can’t see the man?"
WuChongYao inquired.
Zhu Jinglun wry smile way "people involved with these things will bear the blame in the future."
Zhu Jinglun never understood why the party and state did not try to correct the historical mistake, which he never wanted to make from the beginning anyway.
Wu Chongyao asked again, "What about the business?"
Zhu Jinglun shook his head. "Come on, let him go. We don’t care about Jiangnan. By the way, this matter is not confidential, so that Baigui and them all know."
Since they didn’t collude with the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom, they didn’t touch the bottom line of the Qing court, or Zeng Guofan. They certainly wouldn’t attack Guangdong at this time, and the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom could help Zhu Jinglun block for a year at least.
Wuchongyao nodded and turned his notes over a page, remembering that he had to report everything when he was old.
"Oh, by the way, there are ten Americans here, and there is one captain left. They say it is the first mate, but they guarantee that the military skills are more than enough to be a captain. They also sent a naval engineer to inspect our shipyard."
In recent months, Americans have sent hundreds of teachers, which is more efficient than Swedes. Of course, more importantly, their population base is much higher than Sweden, and they have more teachers. They have a unique sense of mission as Americans and consider themselves to be world moral models. Therefore, a large number of teachers who are willing to devote themselves to education are spreading advanced European and American education and culture to the backward East, which drives many American school teachers to take the initiative to register.
Their military advisers have just confirmed that the news is estimated to have left at this time, which is Zhu Jinglun’s request for roll call.
After Xiang’s fighting capacity exceeded his estimate, he was worried that the war with Xiang would develop into a protracted war in the future. Zhu Jinglun didn’t want to fight the Qing court for more than ten years. If his change was an industrial revolution, not a war, not the Taiping Heavenly Kingdom War, not the American Civil War, it was a meaningless war. Once this happened, it was a tragedy, and twice was a disaster. Once this happened, Zhu Jinglun dared not imagine how chaotic it would be. I’m afraid it would be to catch up with Wu Luanhua.
Therefore, he decided to devote his main energy to the navy. If the land war reached a deadlock, he must break the deadlock by sea. The most direct way is, of course, to follow the example of the British and French Coalition forces and drive directly to Peiping.
But he didn’t have a qualified naval officer. The Swedish navy was not strong. He thought about it. First, the navies of Britain and France fought against the Russian navy in the Crimean War. The French even made early armored ships.
However, these two countries are not optimistic about Guangdong at this time. Although they can accept Guangdong’s self-reliance, they are not willing to intervene. After all, they are not a small country like Sweden. A small local government in China can make them pay more attention to the country with the most experience in fighting between Britain and France, that is, the United States.
The American Civil War is still in a fierce battle. Although the south still maintains its offensive on land, the strength of the northern United States continues to increase in the ocean. In 163, it had five ships and 340,000 personnel. In 164, the number of ships increased by 671, with 5.15 million personnel. By the end of the war, there were more than 7 ships. By the end of the war, the size of the American northern navy would become the world’s first navy.
The key is that the US Navy has accumulated a lot of experience in the long-term blockade and the battle with the Southern Navy. These war experiences are exactly what Zhu Jinglun is short of. Hiring naval officers from the United States is second only to Britain and France.
Zhu Jinglun specially wrote a letter to Lincoln because Zhu Jinglun supported Lincoln on behalf of the Guangdong government and bought tens of millions of dollars of Lincoln bonds. Although Lincoln Heng is a local government and according to intelligence, he is likely to rebel. Although he is worried, because the United States is now counterinsurgency and supporting a possible rebel force, which may be bad for their international image, he still wrote back and promised to send officers, but repeatedly stressed that American consultants will not intervene in the China war, and he will withdraw them once war breaks out in China.
After the government completed the negotiations, an advisory group was formed. After half a year of preparation, the Americans were finally ready and selected officers to come to Guangdong.
The Americans came sooner than Zhu Jinglun expected, and they arrived a month later.
At this time, the official China New Year, February 1, 163, Tongzhi two-year Spring Festival.
The Americans had a good day, but it interrupted Wu Chongyao’s New Year. Zhu Jinglun asked him to take American consultants around Guangdong to feel the lively atmosphere of China New Year, especially to let them feel the atmosphere of Guangdong. Compared with the hellish situation in Jiangnan at this time, I believe they will have a more psychological identity with the local government of Guangdong, and once they are psychologically identified, they will be more efficient in performing their duties.
It was not until the fifteenth day of the first month that they became official.
The captain and the first mate are all assigned to Zhu Jinglun. At present, there is only one gunboat, and two other gunboats are about to be completed. After building the first one, they have accumulated experience and then improved it to produce. In addition, a 1-ton warship is being produced with the help of Swedish engineers.
This is the largest production capacity in Guangdong at present, and it will be impossible to expand it for a while.
As two gunboats are about to water, Zhu Jinglun needs to give two gunboat officers, so when these Americans come to town, let them take charge of the emergency training of the navy at once, and secondly, let them familiarize themselves with a gunboat of Zhu Jinglun.
But a month later, the American engineer who came with the officers suggested Zhu Jinglun to make armored ships after inspecting Zhu Jinglun Shipyard. He believed that Zhu Jinglun Shipyard was fully capable of producing armored ships.
Section three hundred and twenty-seven Seize this talent
Production of armored ships?
Zhu Jinglun had another idea. He didn’t consider the suggestion made to him by American engineers. He immediately discussed it with some other consultants. He remembered that it was inevitable for warships to change from wood to steel, but he didn’t study the military history. This kind of thing is so unpopular that few people pay attention to it.
Swedish consultants also know about armored ships, but they are too advanced. The Swedes can’t afford to play with Britain and France. But the armored ships built by the two countries are also very different. Judging from the sketches they drew for Zhu Jinglun, the shape is quite wonderful. There was no such thing as armored ships in the first twenty years. The armored fort was built in the Crimean War
More than two years ago, Britain’s first armored ship, the Warrior, came out. It looks a bit like a ship.
It was only during the war that the Americans built the first armored ship, and the north and the south each built a warship abandoned by the south and the north. It was really terrible to refit it. The wooden steamboat was directly covered with an iron shell, while the northern warship was more like a floating fort floating in the water.
It is obvious that Zhu Jinglun is not interested in fighting for a first-class vanity innovation technology, which means that he has to make great achievements and learn that he is unable to play this game.
This is also the case. The Americans allocated 50,000 US dollars for the construction of the monet armored ship, which is equivalent to more than 30,000 taels of silver. The United States, a country like this, has only built one such thing in the south and one in the north, which really can’t afford to play.
But after some weighing, Zhu Jinglun decided to build one.
The reason is that a resume is placed in front of him.
It’s the resume of this American investigator.
Don’t look at don’t know a look startled this guy in the history of ships in the world turned out to be a seat to experts.
But also a Swede.
His name is john ericsson. He was born in Wemland County, Sweden. He became a student in the Swedish naval machinery team at the age of 18 and worked as an army surveying and mapping engineer for 12 years. Obviously, the Swedish army trained him.